.. _installation: Installation ############ This document describes all necessary steps in order to get a running Mapbender3 installation. Prerequisites ************* Mapbender3 needs the following components in order to run: * PHP 5.3.10 or later (php5) * PHP CLI interpreter (php5-cli) * PHP SQLite extension (php5-sqlite) * PHP cURL extension (php5-curl) * PHP Alternative PHP Cache (php-apc) * PHP Internationalization (php5-intl) * PHP GD (php5-gd) for printing * PHP FileInfo for printing to check image format * APACHE mod_rewrite Optionally, in order to use a database other than the preconfigured SQLite one, you need a matching PHP extension supported by `Doctrine `_. If you want to use the developer mode, for using the web installer or creating profiler data to be used to analyze errors you will still need the SQLite extension! Download ******** Installation packages are distributed as compressed packages and are available for download at the `download `_ page. After downloading, extract the package in a directory of your choice. Then make sure your Webserver points to the web directory inside the mapbender3 directory you just uncompressed. You will also need to make sure that the default directory index is *app.php*. Use Apache REWRITE (install *mod_rewrite*) to access Mapbender3 without *app.php* in the URL. Example for ALIAS configuration for Apache in file /etc/apache2/conf.d/mapbender3.conf (Apache 2.2) or /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/mapbender3.conf (Apache 2.4). Please create this file and make sure that Apache has the right to read the file. Apache 2.4 uses different directives for Access Control (for example: "Require all granted"). Please see the `Apache documentation: Upgrading to 2.4 from 2.2 `_ for details. Apache 2.4 configuration: .. code-block:: yaml Alias /mapbender3 /var/www/mapbender3/web/ Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks DirectoryIndex app.php Require all granted RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /mapbender3/ RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php/$1 [PT,L,QSA] Apache 2.2 configuration: .. code-block:: yaml ALIAS /mapbender3 /var/www/mapbender3/web/ Options MultiViews DirectoryIndex app.php Order allow,deny Allow from all .. code-block:: yaml # for Debian based distributions # Debian basierte Distributionen sudo a2enmod rewrite #Windows activate module rewrite in httpd.conf LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so A :doc:`Git-based ` installation - mainly for developers - is also possible. Configuration **************** .. Using the web installer ----------------------- Configuration right inside your browser is not yet available. Please use the command line method below for now. Using the command line ---------------------- Configuring your Mapbender3 installation is made up of the following steps: * Creating the database * Creating the database schema * Copying the bundles' assets to the public web directory * Initializing the role system * Creating the "root" user * Inserting srs parameters (EPSG code definition) * Loading the applications of the mapbender.yml to your database All can be done using the console utility provided by Symfony2, the Mapbender3 framework is built upon. There's a mayor caveat though you should understand, before continuing: | The console utility will write files in the app/cache and app/logs | directories. These operations are made using the user permissions of | whatever user you're logged in with. This is also true for the app/db | directory and the SQLite database within. When you open the application | from within the browser, the server PHP process will try to access/write | all these files with other permissions. So make sure you give the PHP | process write access to these files. See last step below. **Notice:** The following steps assume that you are in the directory above the app directory (notice that for git installation that means mapbender3/application/ else mapbender3/). .. code-block:: yaml cd mapbender3/ or for git based installation cd mapbender3/application Adapting the configuration file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Database connection parameters are stored together with some more configuration parameters in the file **app/config/parameters.yml**. This file is using YAML syntax, so be aware that you can **not** use tabs for indenting. Be careful about this and use whitespaces instead. Your database configuration in the parameters.yml file could look like this when you use PostgreSQL: .. code-block:: yaml database_driver: pdo_pgsql database_host: localhost database_port: 5432 database_name: mapbender3 database_path: database_user: postgres database_password: 1xyz45ab Creating the database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Symfony2 can attempt to create your database, this works of course only if the configured database user is allowed to. Call the console utility like this: .. code-block:: yaml app/console doctrine:database:create Creating the database schema ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Symfony2 will create the database schema for you: .. code-block:: yaml app/console doctrine:schema:create We also need to initialize the security system's database tables separately: .. code-block:: yaml app/console init:acl Copying the bundles' assets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Each bundle has it's own assets - CSS files, JavaScript files, images and more - but these need to be copied into the public web folder: .. code-block:: yaml app/console assets:install web Alternatively, as a developer, you might want to use the symlink switch on that command to symlink instead of copy. This will make editing assets inside the bundle directories way easier. .. code-block:: yaml app/console assets:install web --symlink --relative Creating the administrative user ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first user - which has all privileges - must be created using the command: .. code-block:: yaml app/console fom:user:resetroot This will interactively ask all information needed and create the user in the database. Alternatively, there is a silent mode you can use, if you want to use a script to install Mapbender3 and don't want to be asked for all parameters: .. code-block:: yaml app/console fom:user:resetroot --username="root" --password="root" --email="root@example.com" --silent Inserting srs parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inserting proj4 srs parameters into a database occurs using the command: .. code-block:: yaml app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Epsg/ --append Importing applications from mapbender.yml ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Importing applications from mapbender.yml into a database occurs using the command: .. code-block:: yaml app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Application/ --append Write permission ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set owner, group and rights. Assign the files to the Apache user (www-data). .. code-block:: yaml sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender3 sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender3 You have to set write permission to app/cache and app/logs and web/assets. .. code-block:: yaml sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/cache sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/logs sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/assets sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/uploads Check Symfonys config.php ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php You can start using Mapbender3 now. You can open the developer mode when you run app_dev.php. * http://localhost/mapbender3/app_dev.php **Notice:** Click on the Mapbender3 logo to get to the login page. Log in with the new user you created. Installation Example for Ubuntu ******************************** Install necessary components: .. code-block:: yaml sudo apt-get install php5 php5-pgsql php5-gd php5-curl php5-cli php5-sqlite sqlite php-apc php5-intl curl Load Apache module rewrite: .. code-block:: yaml sudo a2enmod rewrite Configure the Apache ALIAS in file /etc/apache2/conf.d/mapbender3.conf (or for Apache 2.4 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mapbender3.conf) and restart your Apache server (keep in mind, that Apache 2.4 uses `different directives for Access Control `_) Example ALIAS Apache 2.4 .. code-block:: yaml Alias /mapbender3 /var/www/mapbender3/web/ Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks DirectoryIndex app.php Require all granted RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /mapbender3/ RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php/$1 [PT,L,QSA] Check the ALIAS is working * http://localhost/mapbender3/ Open Symfony´s Welcome Script config.php. This script checks whether all necessary components are installed and configurations are done. If there are still problems, you should fix them. * http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php .. image:: ../../figures/mapbender3_symfony_check_configphp.png :scale: 80 Set owner, group and rights. Assign the files to the Apache user (www-data). .. code-block:: yaml sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender3 sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender3 sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/assets sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/uploads Adapt the configuration file parameters.yml (app/config/parameters.yml) and define the database you want to create. .. code-block:: yaml database_driver: pdo_pgsql database_host: localhost database_port: 5432 database_name: mapbender3 database_path: database_user: postgres database_password: 1xyz45ab Run the app/console commands .. code-block:: yaml cd /var/www/mapbender3 app/console doctrine:database:create app/console doctrine:schema:create app/console init:acl app/console assets:install web app/console fom:user:resetroot app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Epsg/ --append app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Application/ --append Installation of Mapbender3 is done. Check config.php * http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php You have to set write permission to app/cache and app/logs .. code-block:: yaml sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/cache sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/logs sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/assets sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/uploads You can start using Mapbender3 now. You can open the developer mode when you run app_dev.php. * http://localhost/mapbender3/app_dev.php **Notice:** Click on the Mapbender3 logo to get to the login page. Log in with the new user you created. To learn more about Mapbender3 have a look at the :doc:`Mapbender3 Quickstart `. Installation Example for Windows **************************************** Install necessary components: * add the path to your PHP-bin directory to the PATH variable * activate the PHP extensions in your php.ini configuration file * load the Apache module rewrite .. code-block:: yaml extension=php_curl.dll extension=php_fileinfo.dll extension=php_gd2.dll extension=php_intl.dll extension=php_pdo_pgsql.dll extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll extension=php_pgsql.dll extension=php_openssl.dll .. code-block:: yaml # Windows: edit file httpd.conf and restart apache LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so Configure the Apache ALIAS and restart your Apache server (keep in mind, that Apache 2.4 uses `different directives for Access Control `_) .. code-block:: yaml Alias /mapbender3 c:/mapbender3/web/ Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks DirectoryIndex app.php Require all granted RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /mapbender3/ RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php/$1 [PT,L,QSA] Check the ALIAS is working * http://localhost/mapbender3/ Open Symfony´s Welcome Script config.php. This script checks whether all necessary components are installed and configurations are done. If there are still problems, you should fix them. * http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php .. image:: ../../figures/mapbender3_symfony_check_configphp.png :scale: 80 Adapt the configuration file parameters.yml (app/config/parameters.yml) and define the database you want to create. .. code-block:: yaml database_driver: pdo_pgsql database_host: localhost database_port: 5432 database_name: mapbender3 database_path: database_user: postgres database_password: 1xyz45ab Run the app/console commands with php. First you have to open a terminal (cmd). .. code-block:: yaml c: cd mapbender3 php.exe app/console doctrine:database:create php.exe app/console doctrine:schema:create php.exe app/console init:acl php.exe app/console assets:install web php.exe app/console fom:user:resetroot php.exe app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Epsg/ --append php.exe app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Application/ --append Installation of Mapbender3 is done. Check config.php * http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php You can start using Mapbender3 now. You can open the developer mode when you run app_dev.php. * http://localhost/mapbender3/app_dev.php **Notice:** Go to the login link at the right-top and log in with the new user you created. To learn more about Mapbender3 have a look at the :doc:`Mapbender3 Quickstart `. Configuration files ************************ The basic configuration is done inside the **app/config/parameters.yml** file. A template is provided in the app/config/parameters.yml.dist file. **app/config/config.yml** provides more parameters f.e. to configure portal functionality, owsproxy or provide an additional database. parameters.yml ------------------ * database: The parameters starting with **database** are the database connection details. * mailer: The mailer settings start with **mailer**. Use f.e. smtp or sendmail. * locale: You can choose a locale for your application (default is en, de is available). Check http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/book/translation.html to find out how to modify translations or how to add a new language. **Notice:** You need a mailer for self-registration and reset password functionality. config.yml ----------- * fom_user.selfregistration: To enable or disable self-registration of users, change the fom_user.selfregistration parameter. You have to define self_registration_groups, so that self-registered users are added to these groups automatically, when they register. They will get the rights that are assigned to these groups. * fom_user.reset_password: In the same way the possibility to reset passwords can be enabled or disabled. * framework.session.cookie_httponly: For HTTP-only session cookies, make sure the framework.session.cookie_httponly parameter is set to true. **Notice:** You need a mailer for self-registration and reset password functionality (see parameters.yml). If you use a proxy you have to add the proxy settings to config.yml at section *ows_proxy3_core*. This is how the configiration could look like: .. code-block:: yaml ows_proxy3_core: logging: true obfuscate_client_ip: true proxy: host: myproxy port: 8080 connecttimeout: 60 timeout: 90 noproxy: - mapbender.yml ------------------ You can configure an applications on two ways. In the mapbender.yml file or with the browser in the Mapbender3 backend. * The Mapbender Team provides an up-to-date mapbender.yml with demo applications. New elements with their parameters are added to this configuration in every new version (You can disable the applications by setting published: false or you can empty the mapbender.yml file) * applications that are defined in the mapbender.yml are not editable in the backend * you can import the applications to the database with the following app/console command .. code-block:: yaml app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Application/ --append Update Mapbender3 to a newer Version **************************************** To update Mapbender3 you have to do the following steps: * get the new version from http://mapbender3.org/builds/ or nightlies from http://mapbender3.org/builds/nightly/ * save your configuration files and your old Mapbender * replace the new files * merge your configuration files (check for new parameters) * update your Mapbender database * That's all! Have a look at your new Mapbender version Update Example for Linux -------------------------- Have a look at the steps as commands .. code-block:: yaml # Download the new version wget -O http://mapbender3.org/builds/mapbender3- /tmp/build_mapbender3/ tar xfz /tmp/build_mapbender3/mapbender3- # save the old version mv -R /var/www/mapbender3 /var/www/mapbender3_save # get the code of the new version cp -R /tmp/build_mapbender3/mapbender3- /var/www/ mv /var/www/mapbender3- /var/www/mapbender3 # copy your old configuration files to the new version cp /var/www/mapbender3_save/app/config/parameters.yml /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/parameters.yml cp /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/config.yml /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/config.yml-dist cp /var/www/mapbender3_save/app/config/config.yml /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/config.yml # manual step # merge parameters.yml, config.ymls and if used mapbender.yml back to the new installation # if you have individual templates: merge the templates with the new Mapbender version # if you use screenshots: copy the screenshots from the old version back to mapbender3/web/uploads # if you use your own print templates: copy them back to mapbender3/app/Resources/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/ # change the accessrights and owner of the files sudo chmod -R uga+r /var/www/mapbender3 sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender3 Update your Mapbender database .. code-block:: yaml cd /var/www/mapbender3/ # for update from version 3.0.3.x to on PostgreSQL you have to run the following SQL before you run app/console doctrine:schema:update --force # ALTER TABLE fom_profile_basic DROP CONSTRAINT fom_profile_basic_pkey; app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql app/console doctrine:schema:update --force app/console assets:install web # change the access rights and owner of the files sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender3 sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender3 # You have to set write permission to app/cache and app/logs. sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/cache sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/logs sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/assets sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/uploads