Configuring the database


In Mapbender3 we use Doctrine which is a set of PHP libraries and offers an Object Relational Mapper and a Database Abstraction Layer. Visit the Doctrine project page and read more.

Database definition

The standard database definition in the config.yml looks like this:

        driver:   %database_driver%
        host:     %database_host%
        port:     %database_port%
        dbname:   %database_name%
        path:     %database_path%
        user:     %database_user%
        password: %database_password%
        charset:  UTF8
        auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel_debug%

All values encapsulated in % are parameters, loaded from the parameters.yml. Therefore, to change the database, modify the parameters values in the parameters.yml.

Possible values for the %database_driver% parameter are:

  • pdo_sqlite - SQLite PDO driver
  • pdo_mysql - MySQL PDO driver
  • pdo_pgsql - PostgreSQL PDO driver
  • oci8 - Oracle OCI8 driver
  • pdo_oci - Oracle PDO driver
See other drivers in the Doctrine docs

The parameters should be self-explanatory except for the %database_path% - that’s the file path a SQLite database would be stored. If you don’t use a SQLite database, don’t delete the parameter from the parameters.yml though. Just leave it empty (path: ). It would throw an error and providing some nonsense value here doesn’t hurt the other drivers.

Using multiple databases

Using multiple databases is easy with Mapbender3 and advised if you want to separate your own data from Mapbender’s. This is usefull in a scenario where you have your own custom code provided by an non-Mapbender bundle.

There’s always a default database connection and all Mapbender code assumes that it can access it’s data using that default database connection.

So if your code wants to use a different database you have to define a second named database connection and always use that named database connection. Other than that, there’s nothing to do.

Here is an example for a database connection block in the config.yml with two connections:

        default_connection: default
                driver:   %database_driver%
                host:     %database_host%
                port:     %database_port%
                dbname:   %database_name%
                path:     %database_path%
                user:     %database_user%
                password: %database_password%
                charset:  UTF8
                driver:   %database2_driver%
                host:     %database2_host%
                port:     %database2_port%
                dbname:   %database2_name%
                path:     %database2_path%
                user:     %database2_user%
                password: %database2_password%
                charset:  UTF8

The definition of the database variables is done in the file parameters.yml.

database2_driver:   pdo_pgsql
database2_host:     localhost
database2_port:     5432
database2_name:     search_db
database2_path:     ~
database2_user:     postgres
database2_password: postgres