
Provides a button to navigate to your current position and display a symbol at that position. The scale will not be changed.





tooltip: GPS-Position  # text to use as tooltip
label: true            # true/false to label button, default is true
icon: gpsposition      # icon to display on button
target: map            # Id of Map element to query
autoStart: false      # true/false, default is false
refreshinterval: 5000  # refresh interval in ms, default is 5000 ms
follow: true           # default false, true refreshs the map for every received GPS position received, only use with WMS in tiled mode
average: 1             # calculates the average of the last at parameter average defined amount of received GPS coordinates, default 1
centerOnFirstPosition: true # center map only on first received gps position
zoomToAccuracy: false  # zoom map according to received gps position accuracy
zoomToAccuracyOnFirstPosition: true # zoom map according to first received gps position accuracy

Class, Widget & Style

  • Class: Mapbender\CoreBundle\Element\GpsPosition
  • Widget: mapbender.element.gpsPostion.js
  • Style: mapbender.element.gpsPosition.css

HTTP Callbacks


JavaScript API


JavaScript Signals
