Using the FOM Manager ##################### Configuring the Manager *********************** The FOM Manager has the following configuration options, here given with their defaults. Change them in your config.yml: .. code-block:: yaml fom_manager: route_prefix: /manager # Route prefix to enforce on Manager routes IMPORTANT: Make sure there's a matching firewall entry in your security.yml - otherwise there's no guarantee that the manager is actually secured. Unless of course you know what you are doing... Writing Manager Modules *********************** Writing manager modules is as easy as writing regular Symfony 2 controller classes. The main difference is that you need to give the route using a route annotation using the FOM\ManagerBundle\Configuration\Route annotation class. It is recommended to import that class under a different name, so that the annotation is easily distinguishable from a regular route annotation: .. code-block:: php use FOM\ManagerBundle\Configuration\Route as ManagerRoute Using the route annotation enforces the route prefix configured in the bundle configuration (see above). This makes it easy to set a comment security in your security.yml. You're still responsible to make sure the current user only has access to function he is allowed to use! The Manager does not take care of that and in the standard configuration will only enforce that the user is logged in - nothing more! To embed your controllers in the manager sidebar menu, you'r bundle has to be subclassed of the FOM\ManagerBundle\Component\ManagerBundle class. The method getManagerControllers is then used to announce all menu entries. Each entries has the following properties: .. code-block:: php array( 'title' => 'My Manager', // Menu entry label 'weight' => 124, // Sorting weight for menu entry order 'route' => 'acme_demo_manager_index', // Route to link the menu entry to 'routes' => array( // Array of route prefixes to match the menu against 'acme_demo_manager', 'acme_demo_admin' ) ) For a good example, check the FOM\UserBundle\FOMUserBundle class.