.. _systemrequirements: System requirements and download ################################ System requirements ************* Mapbender3 needs the following components in order to run: * PHP 5.4 or later (php5) * PHP CLI interpreter (php5-cli) * PHP SQLite extension (php5-sqlite) * PHP cURL extension (php5-curl) * PHP Alternative PHP Cache (php-apc) * PHP Internationalization (php5-intl) * PHP GD for printing (php5-gd) * PHP FileInfo for printing to check image format * APACHE mod_rewrite * OpenSSL Optionally, in order to use a database other than the preconfigured SQLite one, you need a matching PHP extension supported by `Doctrine `_. For PostgreSQL for example: php5-pgsql. If you want to use the developer mode or for creating create profiler data to be used to analyze errors you will still need the SQLite extension! System requirements Windows *************************** For Windows you also need `PHP `_ and therefore a PHP-supporting webserver like `Apache `_. We have good experiences with the 64-bit downloads of Apache und PHP. * `Apache Download `_: The downloads of the Apache Lounge are customized for different Versions of Windows. For newer versions choose the "VC11" or "VC14" variant (this requires the Visual C++ Redistributable für Visual Studio 2012 resp. 2015) and the Win64 version (64-bit). * `PHP Download `_: Choose the "Thread Safe" variant of the PHP downloads as the x64 version (64-bit). Comments on Windows ------------------- The Apache downloads differ on the version of Visual Studio which was used to compile them and therefore of the right version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. With newer versions of Windows this is usualy without problems. Three different variants exist: * **VC 14**: Requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015. * **VC 11**: Requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012. PHP usually needs this version. * **VC 10**: Requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008 SP1. Additionally 32- and 64-bit versions of Apache für Windows exist. Download of Mapbender3 ********************** Installation packages are distributed as compressed packages and are available for download at the `download `_ page. After downloading, extract the package in a directory of your choice. In this installation documentation we assume that the package is extracted in the directory /var/www.