.. _installation_windows: Installation on Windows ####################### Please take note of the `system requirements `_ where you can also find the Download links to Mapbender3. Install the neccessary components: * add the path to your PHP-bin directory to the PATH variable * activate the PHP extensions in your php.ini configuration file * load the Apache module rewrite .. code-block:: ini # php.ini extension=php_curl.dll extension=php_fileinfo.dll extension=php_gd2.dll extension=php_intl.dll extension=php_pdo_pgsql.dll extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll extension=php_pgsql.dll extension=php_openssl.dll .. code-block:: apache # Windows: edit file httpd.conf (remove the comment-sign #) and restart apache LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so Create the Apache alias. In Windows there are several ways. A clear way is to create a file mapbender3.conf and to refer to that file in Apaches httpd.conf * Create a subfolder "alias" in the directory "/conf". Create the mapbender3.conf file there. (You can use this directory to place additional Alias definition-files for other sites there.) * In the httpd.conf (in directory /conf/)refer to this file mapbender3.conf In httpd.conf: .. code-block:: apache # Refer to Mapbender3 alias Include "conf/alias/mapbender3.conf" In mapbender3.conf: .. code-block:: apache Alias /mapbender3 c:/mapbender3/web/ Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks DirectoryIndex app.php Require all granted RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /mapbender3/ RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php/$1 [PT,L,QSA] We assume in this example, that Mapbender3 is unzipped directy under **C:/** (see the `System Requirements and Download `_ chapter for details). You can easily choose a different directory and have to adjust the Apache mapbender3.conf file above to the right location. Restart the Apache webserver and check that the Alias is accessible: * http://localhost/mapbender3/ Open Symfony´s Welcome Script config.php. This script checks whether all necessary components are installed and configurations are done. If there are still problems, you should fix them. * http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php .. image:: ../../../figures/mapbender3_symfony_check_configphp.png :scale: 80 Adapt the Mapbender3 configuration file parameters.yml (app/config/parameters.yml) and define the database you want to create. Further information is available in the chapter `Configuring the database <../database.html>`_. .. code-block:: yaml database_driver: pdo_pgsql database_host: localhost database_port: 5432 database_name: mapbender3 database_path: ~ database_user: postgres database_password: secret Run the app/console commands with php. First you have to open a terminal (cmd). .. code-block:: text c: cd mapbender3 php.exe app/console doctrine:database:create php.exe app/console doctrine:schema:create php.exe app/console assets:install web php.exe app/console fom:user:resetroot php.exe app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Epsg/ --append php.exe app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Application/ --append Installation of Mapbender3 is done. Check the config.php again: * http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php You can start using Mapbender3 now. You can open the developer mode when you run app_dev.php. * http://localhost/mapbender3/app_dev.php **Notice:** Go to the login link at the right-top and log in with the new user you created. To learn more about Mapbender3 have a look at the `Mapbender3 Quickstart <../quickstart.html>`_.