.. _update: Update Mapbender3 to a newer Version ==================================== To update Mapbender3 you have to do the following steps: * get the new version from http://mapbender3.org/builds/ or nightlies from http://mapbender3.org/builds/nightly/ * save your configuration files (parameters.yml and config.yml) and your old Mapbender (files and database) * replace the new files * merge your configuration files (check for new parameters and changes) * update your Mapbender database * copy the screenshots from you ald Mapbender version from /web/uploads/ to the folder /web/uploads Verzeichnis of your new installation * Templates: If you are using your own template you have to compare your scripts with the new scripts (are there any changes?) * print templates: if you use your own print templates: copy them back to app/Resources/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/. * That's all! Have a look at your new Mapbender version Update Example for Linux -------------------------- Have a look at the steps as commands .. code-block:: bash # Download the new version wget -O http://mapbender3.org/builds/mapbender3- /tmp/build_mapbender3/ tar xfz /tmp/build_mapbender3/mapbender3- # save the old version mv -R /var/www/mapbender3 /var/www/mapbender3_save # get the code of the new version cp -R /tmp/build_mapbender3/mapbender3- /var/www/ mv /var/www/mapbender3- /var/www/mapbender3 # copy your old configuration files to the new version cp /var/www/mapbender3_save/app/config/parameters.yml /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/parameters.yml cp /var/www/mapbender3_save/app/config/config.yml /var/www/mapbender3/app/config/config.yml # manual step # merge parameters.yml, config.yml and if used mapbender.yml # if you use screenshots: copy the screenshots from the old version back to mapbender3/web/uploads # if you have individual templates: merge the templates with the new Mapbender version # if you use your own print templates: copy them back to mapbender3/app/Resources/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/ # change the accessrights and owner of the files sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender3 sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender3 # Update your Mapbender database cd /var/www/mapbender3/ app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql app/console doctrine:schema:update --force app/console assets:install web # change the access rights and owner of the files sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender3 sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender3 # You have to set write permission to app/cache and app/logs. sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/cache sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/app/logs sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/uploads # export the web directory app/console assets:install web Update Example for Windows ------------------------------------ .. code-block:: bash # Download the new version http://mapbender3.org/builds/ # Save the old version (files and database) # Copy the configuration files (parameters.yml and config.yml) to your new Mapbender version. # You have to check the configuration files for changes (new parameter, other changes) # Call the app/console commands with php.exe # You have to open a windows console to send the commands c: cd mapbender3 # Update your Mapbender database php.exe app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql php.exe app/console doctrine:schema:update --force # Import the applications from mapbender.yml to your database to get to know about the latest developments php.exe app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=./mapbender/src/Mapbender/CoreBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/Application/ --append php.exe app/console assets:install web # Delete your cache and the logdateien at mapbender3/app/cache und mapbender3/app/logs # if you use screenshots: copy the screenshots from the old version back to mapbender3/web/uploads # if you have individual templates: merge the templates with the new Mapbender version # if you use your own print templates: copy them back to mapbender3/app/Resources/MapbenderPrintBundle/templates/