Line/Area Ruler¶
The ruler is used to draw a line or area and display its length or area in a dialog. The element can be used in the sidepane or with a Button. Selecting a type determines whether the element measures lines or areas or whether both options are offered and the user can make the selection in the client.


Title: Title of the element. It will be displayed in the measuring window in the application itself.
Geometry: Choose type of element: line, area or user-selectable. Mandatory field.
Helptext: Displays a help text. The default value translates to “Double-click to end drawing” (depending on the browser’s display language).
Line width while drawing: Pixel value that defines the stroke width during drawing.
Stroke color: RGBA value that defines the stroke color. Can be changed using a color picker after clicking on the input field.
Stroke width (pixels): Pixel value that defines the stroke width of the measured geometry.
Fill color: RGBA value that defines the fill color of a measured area. Can be changed using a color picker after clicking on the input field. When Line geometry is selected, this option has no effect.
Font color: RGBA value that defines the font color of the calculated result displayed within the geometry. Can be changed using a color picker after clicking on the input field. When Line geometry is selected, this option has no effect.
Font size: Numeric value that defines the font size of the area displayed within the geometry. When Line geometry is selected, this option has no effect.
This template can be used to insert the element into a YAML application.
title: mb.core.ruler.class.title # 'Line/Area Ruler'
class: Mapbender\CoreBundle\Element\Ruler # Class of element
target: map # ID of Map element to query, e.g. 'map'
type: line # Choose type 'line', 'area' or 'both'
strokeColor: 'rgba(16, 101, 93, 0.8)' # Choose rgba value (line and area)
fillColor: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5) # Choose rgba value (area only)
fontColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,1)' # Choose rgba value (area only)
fontSize: 14 # Choose numeric value (area only)
strokeWidth: 4 # Choose pixel value (line and area)
strokeWidthWhileDrawing: 3 # Choose pixel value (line and area)